Djurovic Dragan
2 min readJun 5, 2021
This is Arseni, he needs an ambulance

Arseni is seriously ill, and his time is running out. His mother begs for our help because she does not want the disease to snatch her son from her arms.
Arseni is 5 years old, but he has been seriously ill since the age of three. The disease has progressed so much that doctors have said that he has three more months to live.
The donor was miraculously found, but the family does not have the money to pay for the transplant. 509,809 Euros are needed, and about 40% of that amount has been collected so far.
Let’s not be discouraged and hard, let’s help this child, let’s raise money. Let everyone do it, but as soon as possible.
Why did I write this text? I am not limited by religion, nation, race, political beliefs, a man is only a man, a mortal being, and for life, he should do something that is worth existing and that will return to him or his family in the same measure. None of us knows what awaits him during his life, and we often need someone else’s help. Without it, we are weak, fragile, and have no future.
I emphasize I do not know this child or his family. Was I touched by the plea for help? I was also angered by the comment of some people who, instead of helping, put salt on the wound, ridiculed, cheered, did not believe, labeled with “epochal discoveries” that it was a scammer, and in fact, we're looking for a reason not to help.
But let’s leave them, God will take care of them. It is up to us to react and help.
The link below contains all the data and a new link which, when opened, shows everything, where to whom and why the money goes, and other data.
People show a little humanity, I guess we didn’t die even though we live.
This time let’s help Arseni.
Dragan Djurovic



Djurovic Dragan

I have more interest. One of them is sports and nutrition, which are very important for a healthy life. I will write about other interests in other topics.