Oceans and microplastics

Are we going to turn the oceans into garbage dumps?
 The seas and oceans are filled with our garbage that either floats on the surface or is under water, perhaps at the bottom. With our irresponsible and arrogant behavior, we endanger everything, all animal and plant species, the entire planet and, in the end, ourselves.

The oceans are mightily strong, but at the same time weak and fragile, if we irreversibly damage these vital water masses for us, there is no salvation for us. If our garbage clogs these waters or our carelessness creates an enormous number of microplastic particles, life in the ocean will become impossible for many species. If many species disappear, the extinction of man is inevitable. Let’s watch what we do! The red alarm is on!

Let’s take a look



Djurovic Dragan

I have more interest. One of them is sports and nutrition, which are very important for a healthy life. I will write about other interests in other topics.